2009-02-15 12:10:21 UTC
testing the multics sources with my pl1gcc project
the following error happens in a number of files.
How did the multics compiler handle this ?
dcl cobol_ddalloc$b_to_d entry (fixed bin(15), ptr) returns(fixed bin(31));
%include cobol_IVAL;
%include cobol_type9;
%include cobol_ext_nonnum;
%include cobol_ext_num;
%include cobol_;
end cobol_IVAL;
/* used by NTrtn for finding the data extensions */
1 parea ,
2 res bit(8),
2 reladdinseg bit(24),
2 numrep fixed bin(15),
2 lnval fixed bin(15),
2 value char(256),
1 temp static, /* work area for alligning initial values */
2 zeros char (18) initial ((18) "0"),/* must remain zeros, used as zero
fill for numeric literals */
2 work char (36) initial ((36) "0" ); /* work area for alligning initial
values */
/* END INCLUDE FILE ... cobol_IVAL.incl.pl1 */
and the include file cobol_type9.incl.pl1, begins with
Note, include filename might have been chg to lowercase.
/* Last modified on 06/19/77 by ORN */
/* Last modified on 12/28/76 by FCH */
/* header */
2 size fixed bin,
2 line fixed bin,
2 column fixed bin,
Now, pl1gcc detects an error, since the '2 size fixed bin,'
is not preceed with a DCL of a level structure member.
How did the multics compiler handle this ?
thanks for your help
the following error happens in a number of files.
How did the multics compiler handle this ?
%include cobol_IVAL;
%include cobol_type9;
%include cobol_ext_nonnum;
%include cobol_ext_num;
%include cobol_;
end cobol_IVAL;
1 parea ,
2 res bit(8),
2 reladdinseg bit(24),
2 numrep fixed bin(15),
2 lnval fixed bin(15),
2 value char(256),
1 temp static, /* work area for alligning initial values */
2 zeros char (18) initial ((18) "0"),/* must remain zeros, used as zero
fill for numeric literals */
2 work char (36) initial ((36) "0" ); /* work area for alligning initial
values */
/* END INCLUDE FILE ... cobol_IVAL.incl.pl1 */
and the include file cobol_type9.incl.pl1, begins with
Note, include filename might have been chg to lowercase.
/* begin include file ... cobol_TYPE9.incl.pl1 *//* Last modified on 06/19/77 by ORN */
/* Last modified on 12/28/76 by FCH */
/* header */
2 size fixed bin,
2 line fixed bin,
2 column fixed bin,
Now, pl1gcc detects an error, since the '2 size fixed bin,'
is not preceed with a DCL of a level structure member.
How did the multics compiler handle this ?
thanks for your help